Each application will include the following supporting documents.
A. Name of entity/organization.
B. Description of organization:
i. Articles of incorporation;
ii. Mission statement;
iii. Financial overview/budget statements of organization;
iv. References related specifically to nursing involvement; and
v. An organizational chart.
C. Project name and narrative.
D. Project plan to include:
i. Goals and objectives;
ii. Measurable outcomes;
iii. Foreseen challenges/obstacles;
iv. Evaluation plan;
v. A detailed project budget, to include all revenue sources, the organization's prior year's financial audit, timelines to meet goals/objectives and the use of awarded funds; and
vi. Project director or contact person (include name, title, work address, phone, email).
E. Recipients shall submit any other documentation requested by agency staff at any point during the application or execution of the project.